Started the year wanting to eat improve your diet? Why not continue into March? Consider starting with nettle tea. Nettle tea has a pleasant taste and some health benefits. Nettle is a wonderful health-boosting herb, according to the Natural Society. According to a Natural Society post, some of the 29 benefits of nettle tea are:
The post photo shows Pukka Cleanse tea which is a blend of nettle, fennel and peppermint. Pukka is a Bristol-based British company. We mentioned nettle above, and many take peppermint tea to aid digestion, so what is fennel good for? Well, fennel is also a natural appetite suppressant, according to Men’s Fitness, and can also help detoxify and exfoliate the skin. If that’s not enough, you might want to convince your partner to drink fennel tea after a curry. In India it is common to take a fennel infusion after a meal. This is to aid digestion and freshen breath, but can also remedy flatulence!
Knäckebröd, baked in Sweden for over 500 years is crispbread which was considered a poor man’s food. Today, Knäckebröd is considered a healthy meal accompaniment. As it is made but made from rye flour, crispbread contains very little fat and a lot of fibre. The post photo shows Peter’s Yard Knäckebröd which is made to Peter Ljungquist’s recipe. Peter Ljungquist is the Swedish chef behind Söderberg, the artisan Nordic bakery. Try Knäckebröd with sliced boiled eggs as part of healthy breakfast.
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