Peppermint tea – naturally caffeine free – is often a first choice after a heavy meal. The herb has been used since the Middle Ages to freshen breath but what other benefits are to be had from drinking peppermint infusions? In the last post we looked at the benefits of the nettle herb in nettle, fennel and peppermint tea, but just peppermint alone, might improve concentration, freshen breath and even relieve stress.
Peppermint tea has a high menthol content. Menthol is a natural oil which acts as a muscle relaxant, and so can be a natural component of stress relief. Korean research has shown that menthol can also inhibit prostrate cancer growth.
UK research from the University of Northumbia showed that just the aroma of peppermint increases alertness and memory function. On top of this, researchers in Cincinnati have found that periodic whiffs of peppermint increases people’s concentration and performance on tasks requiring sustained attention.
The post pictures shows Newby Peppermint Tisane herbal infusion alongside an apple. Apples can help regulate blood sugar, preventing spikes in levels, so may be a healthy dessert after a large meal. Newby of London is a British company on a mission to reintroduce quality teas to the market and revive the grandeur of tea culture.
So improve memory, help prevent cancer, freshen breath, aid concentration – and it has a refreshing taste. What’s not to like about peppermint tea?
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Nettle Tea with Knäckebröd